Let me tell you, life is full of twists and turns to get where you are supposed to be. My second marriage recently ended, mostly due to geography and biology. He (who was she when we married) transitioned and we no longer were compatible on that regard. He also decided that my dream of us moving to New Mexico for retirement was not going to happen and he was never going move from Iowa. Soooo...
I got the RV and truck in settlement, sold the truck and moved the RV to Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Happy!
After HS, I started college, but was interrupted by marriage and moved from Illinois to Rhode Island to North Carolina to Texas. Got divorced. No kids by choice. Worked in insurance, then I worked for Fort Worth Public Library. Also worked as a professional temp and for the Tandy Corporation. Moved for a brief period to Taos, New Mexico, where I fell in love with a state. Back to Texas and substitute teaching and working in another library. Met Sue Wolf and moved to Iowa, working for the Ames Public Library, then the Parks Library at Iowa State University where I worked until retirement.
I live in my cozy RV, my version of tiny, intentional living, with my Yorkie, Jazz. I do paint by number and embroidery. I sing and act and enjoy every day. I'm wild enough to dye my hair pink, purple, blue, or aqua. I don't live near any relatives (both brothers are in Seattle), and I'm fine with that.
Live life fully, no fear!!